Protect, Detect, and Respond with Advanced Monitoring and Early Threat Detection

One Centralized Location to Detect Threats

Zettaset Insights enables early threat detection by providing one centralized location to access all relevant information required to detect threats early. Now you can:

  • Monitor data and encryption key activity and accelerate auditing and reporting.
  • Automate compliance of data protection policy enforcement and centralize data activity.
  • Centralize and simplify encryption key visibility and control across multi-vendor deployments.

Zettaset Insights can complement and enhance existing third party data protection investments or be implemented independently. Insights will protect your customer data and sensitive information, solve data compliance, and deliver data activity monitoring–resulting in early threat detection.

Zettaset Insights
Negligible Performance Impact

Advanced Monitoring

Key Activity

Monitor and track all key activity across a variety of key management systems with centralized alerts provided for anomalous activity.

With advanced key activity monitoring, you’ll be able to:

  • Monitor key activity events across multiple key management systems–all in one place. 
  • Track all key activity events from key level to global level.
  • Establish baseline-normal from the number of operations, day, time, calendar, etc. through flexible policy definition language 
  • Receive and track alerts back to objects affected–all in one place. 
  • Support for server, virtual, container and K8s deployments models.
Software Only

Advanced Monitoring

Data Activity

Achieve a consolidated view of how your critical data is being accessed and used–through automation of compliance policy enforcement and centralized data activity across cloud environments.

Quickly address data security and compliance needs with:

  • Flexible and powerful policy definition language establishes baseline-normal behavior.
  • Scalable event processing pipeline.
  • Actionable intelligence delivers complete and relevant context, in every alert.
  • Smart alert management reduces alert fatigue.
  • Pluggable alert subsystem supports: email, sms, and syslog alerts, as well as Ansible remediation actions out of the box.
Direct Integration with Openshift

Advanced Monitoring

Centralized Management

The infinitely scalable unified management and administration for cloud-native, hybrid, and on-premise environments.

In one platform, you’ll be able to:

  • Have a vendor agnostic unified management and administration console of multiple key management systems
  • Track which keys are used to protect which objects through Zettaset Smart Key technology
  • Work with data protection keys in the context of protected objects.
  • Securely decommission an object, a server, or an entire cluster with a single click.



Software Only

Faster, intelligent action

Strengthen your risk management by using the risk engine to reduce noise and exclude non-critical assets from your reports. Advanced analytics identify data risks and threat patterns, enable immediate action against data breaches, and keep all stakeholders informed.

Negligible Performance Impact

SOC integration to improve ROI

Enable easy integration with open architecture to deliver connected, automated data security. Quickly integrate with other IT and security tools—such as Splunk and ServiceNow—to share enriched, contextual data security and compliance insights across teams.

Transparent to Developers

Centralized visibility

Monitor and analyze activity across 18 cloud environments that provide a consolidated view of how critical data is being accessed and used across your hybrid/multi cloud environment.

See xcrypt in action

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