by Tim Reilly

Zettaset Heads to KubeCon + CloudNative North America

It’s that time of year! We are thrilled to be heading to KubeCon + CloudNative North America 2021 this week to discuss all things Kubernetes and containers, and learn from other industry pioneers how they are implementing this game-changing technology in practice.

This is sure to be KubeCon’s best year yet, with 200+ sessions, 12 cloud-native tracks and 70+ project maintainer presentations. It was a no brainer to sponsor this year’s event, given all it has in store for attendees and the industry alike.

If you’re also heading to the show, be sure to stop by Booth S26 to chat all things DevSecOps. As we gear up for kick off, following are some of the sessions that caught our eye that we are really looking forward to checking out from some of our great partners.

Disaster Recovery of Stateful Applications in a Multi-Cluster Environment – Orit Wasserman & Shyamsundar Ranganathan, Red Hat
Have you ever wondered how to provide for disaster recovery of the state stored in your persistent volumes? What needs to happen to recover the workload on an alternate kubernetes cluster? How can the state be replicated and workloads recreated to use their replicated volumes? Our talk aims to elaborate on the various issues around recovering a workload and its state, in a multi-cluster and a multi region environment. We will demonstrate how replication capable storage systems, such as Ceph/Rook, instead of higher level tools, can be leveraged to provide disaster recovery of workloads across clusters. In addition this session will tease out features required in a multi-cluster control plane, to enable one-click disaster recovery solution for stateful workloads. Attendees will learn how to approach building disaster recovery solutions for their own clouds.

Kubernetes on Edge: Bringing Your Code to Constrained Places – Steven Wong, VMware; Dejan Bosanac, Red Hat; Kilton Hopkins, Edgeworx
The main goal of IoT and edge solutions is to bring the workloads closer to sources of data, events and transactions. In many cases this means maintaining them in places with network and compute resource constraints. This session will cover technologies and best practices available to achieve this goal. We will start by covering some common challenges of creating IoT edge workloads. We’ll discuss pros and cons of using traditional containers versus upcoming technologies such as WebAssembly and WASI. Next, we’ll explore mechanisms of deploying built artifacts to the actual hardware, ranging from using different Kubernetes deployments, to simpler container runtimes and specialized Edge platforms. We’ll also focus on the evolving state of running WebAssembly workloads using Kubernetes and how to apply best practices to IoT and edge use cases. We’ll try to provide general guidance on how to choose the best approach for your project with a practical demo of one of the possible solutions.

Using Kubernetes with Data Processing Units to Offload Infrastructure – Thomas Phelan & Thomas Golway, HPE
Application architectures are shifting toward a more disaggregated model that offers greater agility, supports elasticity, and provides greater control for software quality assurance. This has led to an increase in complexity for application topologies, flows and security. In this session, we will describe some novel work related to offloading core Kubernetes software infrastructure components from the main CPU onto the processing units of DPUs (data processing units). We will show a vendor-neutral way to not only offload the implementation of a Kubernetes CNI (container network interface) plugin, but also offload network packet tracing functionality, such as jaeger, and service mesh components, such as envoy.

What are you looking forward to learning about most at KubeCon this year? Drop us a line here to spark a conversation or arrange a meet-up at the show.

Our team will be in full-force at Booth S26, providing demos of our data protection solutions, including XCrypt Kubernetes Encryption, a first-of-its-kind, software-only encryption technology that protects data-at-rest across Kubernetes environments.

If you’re interested in learning about how your organization can embrace technologies like Kubernetes without worrying about the security of your data, we would love to meet with you to show how we enable customers to transition from DevOps to DevSecOps.

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