by Tim Reilly

Secure Data Sharing In Government: The Case for Real-Time Data Protection

We recently had the opportunity to speak at GovLoop’s Virtual Summit to shed light on the increased DevOps practices at government agencies and how data security can keep up with the exploding adoption.

One of the reasons for the growth of containers is because Red Hat OpenShift is enabling seamless adoption. Containers are an essential component of DevOps and the OpenShift Container Platform is integral for orchestration within these environments.

As organizations implement and leverage these new technologies, data security is now challenged to keep pace with the size and scope of container usage. Sensitive data is being generated, disbursed and stored everywhere, and the migration from legacy in-house deployments to hybrid-cloud installations has created a seemingly unlimited number of new attack surfaces.

So how do government agencies share sensitive data securely? How do we protect it all the while leveraging the benefits of Kubernetes and OpenShift to move that data around and tap into it? The answer is simple. Real-time data protection with encryption.

Encryption provides a transparent, high-performance layer of security that flexibly protects data within containers across on-premises, hybrid and multi-cloud environments, helping ease the transition from DevOps to DevSecOps.

The answer may seem simple, but studies show that a lot of decision makers have been hesitant in making the jump. In fact, a recent survey we conducted found that 92% of respondents plan on using sensitive data to power technologies for digital transformation such as containers and cloud, but only 33% are actively using encryption within these technologies.

The discrepancy is likely because traditional encryption technologies have the stigmas of being too difficult to implement, use and can negatively impact business velocity and performance.

Fortunately, our great engineering team has built next-generation encryption solutions that are transparent, easy-to-deploy and that have a negligible effect on performance as they’re software-defined.

Protecting data is mandatory for compliance and securely sharing data is mission critical. By combining Red Hat’s OpenShift Container Platform with Zettaset’s certified software-defined encryption, you can create the next generation of secure enterprise infrastructure that DevOps requires.

Zettaset’s XCrypt Container Encryption for Red Hat OpenShift helps provide greater confidence to OpenShift users that they can focus on driving innovation quickly and at scale – rather than worrying about data security within containers and resulting data breaches. By using this combination of advanced technologies, agencies can get government compliant solutions with real-time data protection.

For more information about Zettaset’s software-defined approach to encryption for Red Hat OpenShift users, please visit:

To listen to Zettaset’s recent webinar with GovLoop, please visit:

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