by Tim Reilly

New Insights: Containers and Kubernetes Adoption on the Rise – But Security Remains an Issue

With so many companies adopting DevOps initiatives and deploying new technologies, it’s no wonder that security concerns have prompted a heightened focus on transitioning to a DevSecOps mindset. Expanding to the cloud and leveraging cloud-native technologies has become a fundamental component of IT infrastructures, but with this rise comes security challenges that vary in their level and depth of adoption.

This month, Zettaset in partnership with Accelerated Strategies Group (ASG) released findings from the “Kubernetes Data Protection Report,” which surveyed over 200 IT professionals and executives about what’s happening within the transition from DevOps to DevSecOps. The results of the survey confirmed something that many of us already knew: the adoption of containers, microservices and Kubernetes for orchestration are playing a pivotal role in digital transformation.

But what was surprising was when asked about how the data stored in these environments is protected, companies are coming up short. Enterprise organizations are struggling to properly secure their data and for those who are trying to secure the data, they’re resorting to legacy technologies that simply are no match for today’s cybercriminal. This reality is caused by a variety of factors, most of which are attributed to lack of education, skilled resources and transparent communication between security and DevOps teams.

What you’ve likely picked up on from these results is that respondents are categorizing themselves into two different camps: those deploying containers in the cloud and those deploying containers on-premise. But what about hybrid environments? In today’s business landscape, it’s rare to find a single organization who is entirely stacked on one end of the spectrum – it’s just not a scalable, cost-effective approach.

Regardless of where your organization falls on the digital transformation scale, there are options for you. And, we know that legacy data protection solutions are no match for today’s complex IT environment – which is why we’ve partnered with the likes of Red Hat OpenShift. Together, we’re tackling the challenges of incorporating security into DevOps head-on. Whether your containers are on-premise, hybrid or in multi-cloud environments, Zettaset’s software-defined encryption for OpenShift environments won’t impact your performance, productivity or transparency.

If you’re interested in diving into the report further, you can download the full “Kubernetes Data Protection Report” here.

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