by Tim Reilly

Embracing Security in this New Enterprise Normal

As we look to the last few months of 2020, it’s become abundantly clear that most enterprise organizations have shifted their long-term technology and operational strategies. The race to digital transformation has left security practitioners hyper-aware that many companies lack visibility into their existing cloud infrastructure. This reality is true across all cloud environments, including multi-tenant and hybrid instances. The rapid acceleration of digital transformation is impacting on-premise data centers and their ability to scale as quickly as necessary. The rise in remote employees is only exacerbating this issue. With this new and evolving global IT environment comes exposure points that will exponentially increase the challenges of protecting data. Without a comprehensive view into one’s hybrid cloud infrastructure, how can we expect enterprises to have visibility into whether their data is protected? “Check the box” security is no longer feasible in this landscape and that’s why we at Zettaset feel it’s important to break down enterprise blind spots, especially as we embrace the ubiquity of DevOps methodologies. Containers and Kubernetes are the mechanisms needed to achieve DevOps initiatives. In cloud-native environments, containers are leveraged to create an efficient infrastructure, one that can keep up with business demands, bring products to market and overall increase the value to customers. But organizations must understand that containers and Kubernetes are not inherently secure – and therefore, data and applications stored in these environments are also not secure. Furthermore, because containers are able to be spun up so quickly, this added ease only creates more of a threat to the data and applications stored in these container environments. Addressing the need for real-time security of data is paramount. These new environments are complex but adopting the right security does not need to be — in fact, there are options out there that when stacked appropriately can provide a comprehensive, layered approach to data protection in hybrid cloud deployments. In our next post, we’ll walk you through what some of these aforementioned data protection options are.

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